Christmas Carols to print out

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Away in a Manger

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head;
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep in the hay.
Away in manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head;
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep in the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the poor baby wakes,
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes.;
I love Thee Lord Jesus, look down from the sky,
And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. A hay.
The little Lord Jesus. asleep on the Hay.

Christmas is Coming

Christ-mas is com-ing, The goose is get-ting fat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;

Christ-mas is com-ing, The goose is get-ting fat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;

Christ-mas is com-ing, The goose is get-ting fat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;

Christ-mas is com-ing, The goose is get-ting fat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;

Christ-mas is com-ing, The goose is get-ting fat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat;
Please to put a pen-ny In the old man's - hat..

Deck the Halls

Deck the halls with boughs of hol-ly
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
'Tis the sea-son to be jol-ly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Don we now our gay ap-par-el,
Fa la la la la la, la la la;
Troll the an-cient Yule-tide car-ol,
Fa la la la la la la la la.

See the blaz-ing yule be-fore us,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Strike the harp and join the cho-rus
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Fol-low me in mer-ry mea-sure,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la;
While I tell of Yule-tide trea-sure,
Fa la la la la la la la la.

Fast a-way the old year pas-ses,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Hail the New Year, lads and las-ses,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Sing we joy-ous, all to-ge-ther,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la;
Heed-less of the wind and wea-ther,
Fa la la la la la la la la.

The First Noel

The - first - No--el the - an-gel did say
Was to cer-tain poor shep-herds in fields as they lay;
In - fields - where - they lay, - keep-ing their sheep,
On a cold win-ter's night - that was - so deep:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

They - look--ed - up and - saw - a star,
Shin-ing in - the east - Be-yond - them far;
And - to - the - earth it - gave - great light,
And - so it con-tin-ued both day - and night:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

And - by - the - light of - that - same star,
Three - Wise - Men came - from coun - try far;
To - seek - for a king was - their - in-tent,
And to fol-low the star where-so-ev-er it went:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

The - star - drew - nigh to - the - north-west;
O'er - Beth--le-hem - it took - its rest,
And - there - it - did both - stop - and stay
Right - o-ver the place - where Je--sus lay:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

Then - did - they - know as--sur--ed-ly
With--in - that house - the King - did lie:
One - en--ter-ed in then - for - to see,
And - found - the Babe - in po--ver-ty:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

Then - en--ter-ed in those - Wise - Men three,
Fell - re-verent--ly - up-on - their knee,
And - of--fer-ed there in - His - pres-ence
Both - gold - and myrrh - and frank--in-cense:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

Be--tween - an - ox-stall - and - an ass
This - Child - tru--ly there born - He was;
For - want - of - cloth--ing they did Him lay
All - in - the man-ger, a-mong - the hay:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

Then - let - us - all with - one - ac-cord
Sing - prais--es to - our hea-ven-ly Lord,
That - hath - made - heav'n and - earth - of naught,
And - with - His blood - man-kind - hath bought:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

If - we - in - our time - shall - do well,
We - shall - be free - from death - and hell;
For - God - hath pre-par-ed - for - us all
A - rest--ing place - in gen--er-al:
No--el, - No--el, No--el, No-el,
Born is the King - of Is--ra-el!

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

God rest ye mer-ry, gen-tle-men,
Let noth-ing you dis-may;
Re-mem-ber Christ, our Sa--viour,
Was born on Christ-mas day,
To save us all from Sa-tan's pow'r
When we were gone a-stray:
O - tid-ings of com--fort and joy, com-fort and joy,
O - tid--ings of com--fort and joy.

In Beth-le-hem in Jew--ry
This bless-ed Babe was born,
And laid with-in a man--ger
U-pon this bless-ed morn;
The which His Moth-er, Ma--ry
Did noth-ing take in scorn:
O - tid-ings of com--fort and joy, com-fort and joy,
O - tid--ings of com--fort and joy.

From God, our heavn'-ly Fa--ther
A bless-ed an-gel came,
And un-to cer-tain shep--herds
Brought tid-ings of the same,
How that in Beth-le-hem was born
The Son of God by name:
O - tid-ings of com--fort and joy, com-fort and joy,
O - tid--ings of com--fort and joy.

Fear not, then said the an--gel,
Let noth-ing you af-fright,
This day is born a Sa--viour,
Of vir-tue, pow'r and might;
So fre-quent-ly to van-quish all
The friends of Sa-tan quite.
O - tid-ings of com--fort and joy, com-fort and joy,
O - tid--ings of com--fort and joy.

The shep-herds at those tid--ings
Re-jo-ced much in mind,
And left their flocks a-feed--ing,
In tem-pest, storm and wind,
And went to Beth-le-hem straight-way
This bless-ed Babe to find:
O - tid-ings of com--fort and joy, com-fort and joy,
O - tid--ings of com--fort and joy.

Good Christian Men, Rejoice

Good Christ-ian men, re-joice -
With heart and soul and voice; -
Give ye heed to what we say:
News! News! Je-sus Chirst is born to-day:
Ox and ass be-fore him bow,
And He is in the man-ger now,
Christ is born to-day
Christ is born to-day

Good Christ-ian men, re-joice -
With heart and soul and voice; -
Now we hear of end-less bliss;
Joy! Joy! Je-sus Chirst was born for this!
He has oped the heavn'-ly door,
And man is bless-ed e-ver-more
Christ was born for this!
Christ was born for this!

Good Christ-ian men, re-joice -
With heart and soul and voice; -
Now ye need not fear the grave:
Peace! Peace! Je-sus Chirst was born to save!
Calls you one and calls you all,
To gain His e-ver-last-ing hall.
Christ was born to save!
Christ was born to save!

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hark! The her-ald an-gels sing
"Glo-ry to the new-born King!"
Peace on earth, and mer-cy mild;
God and sin-ners re-con-ciled!
Joy-ful, all ye na-tions, rise,
Join the tri-umph of the skies;
With th'an-gel-ic hosts pro-claim,
"Christ is - born in Beth-le-hem!"
Hark! The her-ald an-gels sing,
"Glo-ry - to the new-born King!"

Christ, by high-est heav'n a-dored;
Christ, the ev-er-las-ting Lord;
Late in time be-hold Him come,
Off-spring of the Vir-gin's womb.
Veiled in flesh the God-head see;
Hail th' Incar-nate De-i-ty,
Pleased as man with man to dwell;
Je-sus, - our Em-man-u-el:
Hark! The her-ald an-gels sing,
"Glo--ry to the new born King!"

Hail, the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail, the Sun of Right-eous-ness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris'n with heal-ing in His wings;
Mild He lays His glo-ry by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to - give them se-cond birth:
Hark! The her-ald an-gels sing,
"Glo-ry - to the new born King!"


It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

It came up-on - a mid-night clear,
That glo-ri-ous song - of old,
From an-gels bend--ing near the earth
To touch their harps - of gold;
"Peace on the earth, - good will to men,
From heav-en's all gra--cious King."
The world in sol--emn still-ness lay
To hear the an--gels sing.

Still through the clo--ven skies they came,
With peace--ful wings - un-furled,
And still their hea-ven-ly mu-sic floats
O'er all the wea--ry world;
A-bove its sad - and low-ly plains
They bend - on hov-er-ing wing,
And e-ver o'er - its Ba-bel sounds
The bles-sed an--gels sing.

O ye, be-neath - life's crush-ing load,
Whose forms - are bend--ing low,
Who toil a-long - the climb-ing way,
With pain-ful steps - and slow;
Look now, for glad - and gold-en hours
Come swift--ly on - the wing:
O rest be-side - the wea-ry road,
And hear the an--gels sing!

For lo! the days - are haste-ning on,
By pro--phets seen - of old,
When with the e--ver cir-cling years,
Shall come the time - for-told,
When the new hea-ven and earth shall own
The Prince - of Peace - their King,
And - the whole world send back the song
Which now the an--gels sing.

Jingle Bells

Dash-ing through the snow In a one-house o-pen sleigh,
O'er the fields we go, Laugh-ing all the way;
Bells on Bob-tail ring, Mak-ing spir-its bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing A sleigh-ing song to-night!
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!

A day or two a-go, I thought I'd take a ride,
And soon Miss Fan-ny Bright Was seat-ed by my side;
The horse was lean and lank; Mis-for-tune seemed his lot;
He got in-to a drift-ed bank, And we, we got up-sot.
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!

A day or two a-go, the sto-ry I must tell
I went out on the snow And on my back I fell;
A gent was rid-ing by In a one-horse o-pen sleigh,
He laughed as there I sprawl-ing lie, But quick-ly drove a-way.
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!

Now the ground is white Go it while you're young,
Take the girls to-night And sing this sleigh-ing song;
Just get a bob-tailed bay Two-for-ty as his speed;
Hitch him to an o-pen sleigh And crack! you'll take the lead.
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!
Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells! Jin-gle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse o-pen sleigh!

Joy to the World

Joy to the world! The Lord is come!
Let earth re-ceive her King;
Let ev--'ry - heart - - pre-pare - Him - room, -
And heav'n and na-ture - sing; and - heav'n and na-ture - sing;
And - hea-v'n, and hea--v'n and na-ture sing.

Joy to the world! The Sav-iour reigns!
Let men their songs em-ploy;
Fields - - and - floods, - - rocks, hills - and - plains -
Re-peat the sound-ing - joy; re--peat the sound-ing - joy;
Re--peat, - re-peat - - the sound-ing joy.

No more let sin and sor-row grow,
Nor thorns in-fest the ground;
He comes - to - make - - His bless--ings - flow -
Far as the curse is - found, far - as the curse is - found
Far - as - far as - - the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the na-tions prove
The glo--ries - of - - His right--eous--ness -
And won-ders of His - love and - won-ders of His - love;
And - won-ders and won--ders, - of His love.


O, Christmas Tree (O, Tannenbaum)

O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
Your branch-es green de-light us.
O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
Your branch-es green de-light us.
They're green when sum-mer days are bright;
They're green when win-ter snow is white.
O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
Your branch-es green de-light us.

O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
You give us so much pleas-ure!
O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
You give us so much pleas-ure!
How oft at Christ-mas tide the sight,
O green fir tree, gives us de-light!
O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
You give us so much pleas-ure!

O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
Your branch-es green de-light us.
O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
Your branch-es green de-light us.
They're green when sum-mer days are bright;
They're green when win-ter snow is white.
O, Christ-mas Tree, O, Christ-mas Tree,
Your branch-es green de-light us.

O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)

O come, all ye faith-ful, joy-ful and tri-umph-ant,
O come ye, O come - ye to Beth--le-hem!
Come and be-hold Him, born the King of An--gels;
O come, let us a-dore Him; O come, let us a-dore Him;
O come, let us a-dore Him, - Christ - the Lord.

Sing, choirs of an-gels, sing in ex-ul-ta-tion,
O Sing, all ye cit-i-zens of hea-ven a-bove!
Glo-ry to God - in - the - high--est:
O come, let us a-dore Him; O come, let us a-dore Him;
O come, let us a-dore Him, - Christ - the Lord.

Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this hap-py morn-ing,
Je-sus, to Thee be all - glo--ry giv'n.
Word of the Fa-ther now in flesh ap-pear--ing:
O come, let us a-dore Him; O come, let us a-dore Him;
O come, let us a-dore Him, - Christ - the Lord.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

O come, O come, Em-man---u-el,
And ran-som cap-tive Is---ra-el,
That mourns in lone-ly ex-ile - here
Un-til the Son of God - ap--pear:
Re-joice! Re-joice! Em-man---u-el
Shall come to thee, O Is---ra-el.

O come, O come, thou Rod of Jes-se, free
Thine own from Sa-tan's tyr--an--ny:
From depths of hell Thy peo-ple - save,
And give them vic-tor-y - o'er the grave:
Re-joice! Re-joice! Em-man---u-el
Shall come to thee, O Is---ra-el.

O come, thou Day spring, come - and - cheer
Our spi-rits by thine ad--vent - here;
Dis-perse the gloom-y clouds of - night,
And death's dark sha-dows put - to - flight:
Re-joice! Re-joice! Em-man---u-el
Shall come to thee, O Is---ra-el.

O come, Thou Key of Da---vid, come,
And o-pen wide our hea-ven-ly - home.
Make safe the way that leads on - high,
And close the path to mi--ser--y:
Re-joice! Re-joice! Em-man---u-el
Shall come to thee, O Is---ra-el.

O come, O come, Thou Lord - of - Might,
Who to Thy tribes on Si--nai's - height
In an-cient times did give Thy - Law,
In cloud and ma-jes-ty - and - awe:
Re-joice! Re-joice! Em-man---u-el
Shall come to thee, O Is--ra--el.

O Holy Night (Cantique de Noel)

O ho-ly night, The stars are bright-ly shin-ing.
It is the night of the dear Sav-iour's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and er-ror pin-ing,
Till He ap-peared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the wea-ry world re-joi-ces,
For yon-der breaks a new and glo-rious morn!
Fall on your knees! O hear the an-gel voi-ces!
O night - di-vine O - night when Christ was born!
O night di-vine! O - - night, O night di-vine!

Led by the light of Faith se-rene-ly beam-ing,
With glow-ing hearts by His cra-dle we stand.
So led by light of a star - sweet-ly gleam-ing,
Here came the wise men from O-ri-ent land.
The King of Kings lay thus in low-ly man-ger.
In all our trials born to - be our friend!
Fall on your knees! O hear the an-gel voi-ces!
O night - di-vine O - night when Christ was born!
O night di-vine! O - - night, O night di-vine!

Tru-ly He taught us to love - one a-noth-er
His law is love and His gos-pel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave - is our bro-ther
And in His name all op-pres-sion shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grate-ful cho-rus raise we,
Let all with-in us praise His ho-ly name!
Fall on your knees! O hear the an-gel voi-ces!
O night - di-vine O - night when Christ was born!
O night di-vine! O - - night, O night di-vine!

O, Little Town of Bethlehem

O, lit-tle town of Beth-le-hem, How still we - see thee lie!
A-bove thy deep and dream-less sleep The si-lent - stars go by;
Yet in thy dark streets shin-eth The ev-er-last-ing Light;
The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to-night.

For Christ is born of Ma--ry, And ga-thered - all a-bove,
While mor-tals sleep, the an-gels keep Their watch of - wond'-ring love.
O morn-ing stars, to-geth-er Pro-claim the ho-ly birth,
And prais-es sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth!

How si-lent-ly, how si-lent-ly, The wond-rous - gift is giv'n!
So God im-parts to hu-man hearts The bles-sings - of His heav'n.
No ear may hear His com-ing, But in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will re-ceive Him still, The dear Christ en-ters in.

O Ho-ly Child of Beth-le-hem, Des-cend to - us, we pray;
Cast out our sin and en-ter in; Be born in - us to-day!
We hear the Christ-mas an-gels The great glad tid-ings tell;
O come to us, a-bide with us, Our Lord Em-man-u-el!

Silent Night

Si--lent night, ho--ly night!
All is calm, all is bright
'Round yon vir--gin Moth-er and child.
Ho-ly in-fant, so ten-der and mild,
Sleep in heav-en-ly peace!
Sleep - in heav-en-ly peace!

Si--lent night, ho--ly night!
Shep-herds quake at the sight.
Glo-ries stream - from hea-ven a-far
Heav'n-ly hosts--sing "Al-le-lu-ia"
Christ the Sav-iour is born!
Christ - the Sav-iour is born!

Si--lent night, ho--ly night!
Won-drous star, lend thy light!
With the an--gels let - us sing
Al-le-lu-i-a to - our King!
Christ the Sav-iour is here,
Je-sus the Sa-viour is here!

Si--lent night, ho--ly night!
Son of God, love's pure light,
Rad-iant beams - from Thy ho-ly face,
With the dawn of re-deem--ing grace,
Je-sus, Lord, at thy birth!
Je-sus, - Lord, at thy birth!

The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
A par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the sec-ond day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Two tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Three French - hens,
Two tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Four cal-ling birds,
Three French - hens,
Two tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the sev-enth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Sev-en swans a-swim-ming,
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the eighth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Eight maids a-milk-ing,
Sev-en swans a-swim-ming,
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Nine lad-ies dan-cing,
Eight maids a-milk-ing,
Sev-en swans a-swim-ming,
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Ten lords a-leap-ing,
Nine lad-ies dan-cing,
Eight maids a-milk-ing,
Sev-en swans a-swim-ming,
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On th'e-lev-enth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Elev-en pip-ers pip-ing,
Ten lords a-leap-ing,
Nine lad-ies dan-cing,
Eight maids a-milk-ing,
Sev-en swans a-swim-ming,
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

On the twelfth day of Christ-mas my true love sent to me
Twelve drum-mers drum-ming,
Elev-en pip-ers pip-ing,
Ten lords a-leap-ing,
Nine lad-ies dan-cing,
Eight maids a-milk-ing,
Sev-en swans a-swim-ming,
Six geese a-lay-ing,
Five gold-en rings.
Four - cal-ling birds,
Three French hens,
Two - tur-tle doves
And a par-tridge - in a pear tree.

Up on the House Top

Up on the house-top - rein-deer pause;
Out jumps good old San-ta Claus,
Down through the chim-ney with lots of toys,
All for the lit-tle ones' Christ-mas joys.
Ho, ho, ho Who would-n't go?
Ho, ho, ho who would-n't go?
Up on the house-top, click, click, click,
Down through the chim-ney with good Saint Nick.

First comes the stock-ing of lit-tle Nell;
Oh, dear San-ta, fill it well;
Give her a dol-ly that laughs and cries,
One that can o-pen and shut its eyes.
Ho, ho, ho Who would-n't go?
Ho, ho, ho who would-n't go?
Up on the house-top, click, click, click,
Down through the chim-ney with good Saint Nick.

Look in the stock-ing of lit-tle Bill;
Oh, just see that glo-rious fill!
Here is a ham-mer and lots of tacks,
Whis-tle and ball and a set of jacks.
Ho, ho, ho Who would-n't go?
Ho, ho, ho who would-n't go?
Up on the house-top, click, click, click,
Down through the chim-ney with good Saint Nick.

We Three Kings

We three kings of Or-i-ent are;
Bear-ing gifts we tra-verse a-far
Field and foun-tain, moor and moun--tain,
Fol-low-ing yon-der star:
Oh - star of wond-der, star of night,
Star with roy-al beau-ty bright,
West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing,
Guide us to thy per-fect light.

Born a king on Beth-le-hem's plain,
Gold I bring to crown Him a-gain
King for-ev-er, ceas-ing ne--ver,
O-ver us all to reign:
Oh - star of wond-der, star of night,
Star with roy-al beau-ty bright,
West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing,
Guide us to thy per-fect light.

Frank-in-cense to of-fer have I;
In-cense owns a De-i-ty nigh:
Prayer and prais-ing, all men rais--ing,
Wor-ship Him, God most high:
Oh - star of wond-der, star of night,
Star with roy-al beau-ty bright,
West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing,
Guide us to thy per-fect light.

Myrrh is mine; its bit-ter per-fume
Breathes a life of ga-ther-ing gloom;
Sor-rowing, sigh-ing, bleed-ing, dy--ing,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb:
Oh - star of wond-der, star of night,
Star with roy-al beau-ty bright,
West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing,
Guide us to thy per-fect light.

Glor-rious now, be-hold him a-rise,
King, and God, and Sac--ri-fice!
Heav'n sings, "Al-le al-le-lu--ia
"Al-le-lu-ia!" th'earth re-plies:
Oh - star of wond-der, star of night,
Star with roy-al beau-ty bright,
West-ward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing,
Guide us to thy per-fect light.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Mer-ry Christ-mas,
We wish you a Mer-ry Christ-mas,
We wish you a Mer-ry Christ-mas, And a hap-py New Year!
Glad tid-ings we bring To you and your kin;
Glad - tid-ings for Christ-mas And a hap-py New Year!

Please bring us some fig-gy pud-ding
Please bring us some fig-gy pud-ding
Please bring us some fig-gy pud-ding Please bring it right here!
Glad tid-ings we bring To you and your kin;
Glad - tid-ings for Christ-mas And a hap-py New Year!

We won't go un-til we get some,
We won't go un-til we get some,
We won't go un-til we get some, Please - bring it right here!
Glad tid-ings we bring To you and your kin;
Glad - tid-ings for Christ-mas And a hap-py New Year!

We wish you a Mer-ry Christ-mas,
We wish you a Mer-ry Christ-mas,
We wish you a Mer-ry Christ-mas, And a hap-py New Year!
Glad tid-ings we bring To you and your kin;
Glad - tid-ings for Christ-mas And a hap-py New Year!

What Child is This

What child is this, - who laid to rest,
On Ma-ry's lap - is sleep--ing?
Whom an-gels greet - with an-thems sweet,
While shep--herds watch - are keep-ing?
This, this - is Christ the King,
Whom shep-herds guard - and an-gels sing,
Haste, haste - to bring Him laud,
The Babe, - the Son - of Ma-ry.

Why lies He in - such mean es-tate
Where ox and ass - are feed--ing?
Good Christ-ian, fear: - for sin-ners here
The si--lent Word - is plead-ing.
This, this - is Christ the King,
Whom shep-herds guard - and an-gels sing,
Haste, haste - to bring Him laud,
The Babe, - the Son - of Ma-ry.

So bring Him in--cense, gold, and myrrh,
Come, pea-sant, King - to own - Him;
The King of Kings - sal-va-tion brings,
Let lov--ing hearts - en-throne Him:
This, this - is Christ the King,
Whom shep-herds guard - and an-gels sing,
Haste, haste - to bring Him laud,
The Babe, - the Son - of Ma-ry.

While Shepherds Watched Their Flock By Night

While - shep-herds watched their flock by - night,
All - seat-ed on the - ground,
The - an-gel of the Lord came - down,
And - glo-ry shone a-round
And glo-ry shone a-round.

"Fear - not!" said he: for might--y dread
Had - seized their trou-bled - mind,
"Glad - ti-dings of great joy I - bring,
To - you and all man-kind,
To you and all man-kind.

"To - you in Da-vid's town, this - day
Is - born of Da-vid's - line,
The - Sav-iour, who is Christ the - Lord;
And - this shall be the sign;
And this shall be the sign;

"All - glo-ry be to God on - high,
And - to the earth be - peace,
Good - will hence-forth from heav'n to - men,
Be--gin and nev-er cease,
Be-gin and ne-ver cease!"

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