My name is not important. However, I do think that many of the last several generations do not realize the high price that our service men and women pay for our freedom. All my life I was very proud of those who fought for our freedom, you see before I was even born my father was in the Army (WWII) and taught us the importance of what it meant to be an American. He taught us about the fact that men gave up their lives for us to be free. Now, many years later, my son is in the Army station several thousand miles away. I continue to be very proud of my son. just as any mother is.

But, last night I finally watched "Saving Private Ryan." I realize this was "just a show," but it shows the graphic demolition and mutilation that war brings to families, and to their country. It brought out a reality and fear for me that I simply can't put into words.

So based on the reality of what our service men and women are doing for our country, based on the fact it isn't just someone dying in a movie, based on the fact it is someone's child, or brother/sister, or friend that may truly die, please express prayers for all of them to return on home safely. For those people that really don't know or understand what it may be like, I encourage them to watch this film. While they are watching it, to keep in mind someone they know that is in the service, whether it be a friend, someone's child, just someone they can connect with. I think they will see the movie from another point of view.

Thank you for allowing a mother to share.


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